How marijuana laws may be changing once again
By: Emily, Year 11
Marijuana has never been an uncommon sight in Thailand, but never like it is now. In 2018 medical marijuana with no THC limit was legalized, making pot legal with a prescription. THC is the primary compound found in cannabis that provides the user with the ‘high’. However, this led to many doctors throughout the country providing smokers with prescriptions whether it may be needed or not. Then, 2022, cannabis was officially decriminalized. Unlike before, it was no longer a crime to grow, sell, or purchase hemp products freely: creating an age of marijuana being more common than ever.
Decriminalization: what does it really mean? A common misconception is that marijuana was legalized in Thailand, but that’s not the case. Purchase and growth of cannabis is still entirely illegal, it just means you can no longer be prosecuted for the actions. There is no possible repercussion for the ownership of pot.
On June 9th, 2022, cannabis with less than 0.2% THC was officially decriminalized. Around four thousand prisoners were released on that day because of it. Previously, use of marijuana had been punishable by up to a year in prison and a 10,000 baht fine. This set off a huge chain of businesses: thousands of cannabis dispensaries emerged, along with other weed-themed stores. Large cities have even thrown marijuana festivals, some taking place in Pattaya, like the CISW Cann festival.
While you may now own marijuana, laws surrounding it are still somewhat strict. Smoking can only be done in an individual’s residence, or within a liscenced building. Smoking marijuana in public places can lead to a 25,000 baht fine. To grow cannabis, you must register with the FDA, along with a permit if you’d like to sell it. Tourists may not take marijuana, or its seeds, out of the country. You are also unable to handle any sort of marijuana if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. However, after 18 months of a weed “free for all”, Thailand’s new government has made a u-turn.
In September of 2023, Thailand came under new leadership. Members of The Pheu Thai party has campaigned to ban recreational use of cannabis once again with internal conflict within party, some arguing that marijuana poses health risks and can cause substance abuse issues among young people. A bill has been drafted by the Ministry of Public health and is currently under approval. The bill reintroduces strict repercussions for the ownership of marijuana unless its medical, like the law had previously been. Many who’s lives or jobs surrounded cannabis are unhappy with this bill whilst many are also in favor due to the issues this drug causes. We’ll have to see how this turns out.