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  • Vladimir

Student Takeover Day: Its Challenges, Successes, and Consequences

How the work of UNICEF, and activities created by them, are central to the development of a new generation of outstanding global leaders.
By: Vladimir 12.3

Seventy-five years ago, during the early stages of the development of the United Nations as an international organization, one hundred and ninety-two member countries decided that it is important to create a new agency that will concern itself with the welfare and protection of children around the globe. This new agency was called UNICEF. Now with a $7.2 billion budget, UNICEF provides care and support to millions of children around the globe and supports them in their voyage to adulthood. One of the activities designed by UNICEF is the World Children's Day and Takeover Day that we have the privilege to conduct this year in Regents.

The takeover day is a practice that has been established by many businesses and governmental organizations to allow children to take over the roles of important individuals for World Children's Day on November 20th. This is done in hopes of empowering a new generation of global leaders to continue their advocacy work, share their beliefs, and make sure that the actual leaders are held accountable for their decisions and actions. Every year, Regents offers the positions of teachers and SLT members to students to ensure that students’ voice is heard, to allow students to peek into the workings of the school, and to prepare them for their lives after graduation.

The long journey of preparing for the Student Takeover Day began in July when the students of Nord Anglia schools joined the UNICEF summit to brainstorm ideas on how to collaboratively work to facilitate tangible change. All delegates from different corners of the world wholeheartedly believed that we would be able to conduct planned activities with minimal restrictions and in person. Sadly, at this time, many schools around the globe remain closed, and unlike Regents do not offer the offsite learning option. Because of this, it has been increasingly hard to make a single event for all schools around the globe, or even in Southeast Asia.

As said previously, in Regents we already have experience of carrying out the student takeover day activities. This year, however, we encountered many challenges such as ensuring that our plan is following the COVID-19 guidelines set out by the government. Because of this, we were only allowed to offer twenty positions for the Student Takeover Day, which is much less than usual. Other challenges included the implementation of track and trace, drafting up rules and regulations, and carrying out a fair selection process.

Ensuring that children are able to enter the adult world knowing more than ever about the structure and work of different organizations, leadership and communication skills, and rights and freedoms of all men and women around the globe is paramount to the creation and continuation of a fair and prosperous society built not on fear but freedom. Because of this, we must uphold practices and traditions like World Children's Day and Takeover Day to ensure that our world tomorrow will be better than our world today.

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