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Regents Head Students 2022-2023


What goals do the Head Students want to achieve?

By: Lizzy 9.2

After a week’s worth of interviews, debates, and problem solving the Regents community have arrived to the conclusion that, out of the four contestants, Swarit and Suhani are the students who best represent this school. They have shown and proven to Regents that they are here to create an impact for students and work towards what they deserve. And so, what are Swarit and Suhani's ideas for the school? What are they working toward achieving? What are they doing now?

Suhani began the interview by introducing herself. “My name is Shubhansi Verma, but on campus you can call me Suhani... I am very happy to be your head student this year." Suhani has been at Regents since Pre-Nursery and since the beginning of her time in Secondary, she has taken on a range of roles. Whether it's student ambassador, environmental officer, community partner representative, house captain or even media officer, Suhani is good at public speaking and likes to host events to room full of people. “Generally,” she said, “I’m an enthusiastic person who’s not afraid to make changes and make things happen for our school.”

The Covid pandemic had affected the school greatly, both mentally and physically- due to this, Suhani wishes to bring the school spirit back to staff and students. Suhani has many plans throughout the school year, “ranging from creative areas like exhibitions to areas to recreation like party and sport events.” She stated that if any of the students have an idea for a school event, students can talk to her without hesitation, even in the middle of the corridor. The current plans that Suhani is making are the “Diwali Celebration” and the “Halloween Disco.” Furthermore, if she could make the impossible possible, then she would paint the school from a red themed school to white and blue themed school.

Swarit said he has many goals for the school year, but what he strives for is to motivate students and others. He is trying to make the Regents a more pleasant environment, but that is difficult at this time because of the Covid pandemic. Swarit said he is dependable and a reliable, hard-working person. Swarit has many plans for Regents. "For example," he said, "[potentially] setting up a prayer room for religious people or Glide Time (where students finish five minutes early to get to the next lesson that they have) and bringing back the Tuck Shop furniture."

Swarit also organizes events, the first being Diwali (an Indian festival of lights.) If Swarit could do the impossible, the first thing he would do is reinstate the telephone policy. "It's a simple principle, right? The more you tell kids not to do something, the more likely they are to do it." The second issue would be cafeteria food. Swarit said that he does not think there are enough vegetarian options, but it's currently hard to change that because the school has a contract with Epicure.

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