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International Day, 2023: Celebration of Diversity at Regents

Anjali and Selina

An insight into every aspect of International Day at Regents.

By: Anjali and Selina, Year 11

International day is an integral part of Regents. Not only does it allow us to grow as a community and appreciate the cultural diversity we have to offer, but it also gives us the rare opportunity to take part in an event as a whole school: early primary, primary, secondary, and even parents and other family members.

Students from every country (many of whom began working in the days leading up to the event) took on the responsibility of decorating their cultural stalls on the oval to exhibit their traditions and heritage. As well as this, parents of students from early years all the way up to the sixth form prepared delicious food originating from their countries to cater to the Regents community. Following the traditions of previous international days, all the money raised at these cultural stalls and the international café was donated to the Red Crescent to support relief programs for people affected by the Turkey-Syria earthquakes. A total of 198,000 THB was raised, with certain stalls, particularly the Chinese food stall earning over 40,000 THB. This alone showcases the importance of international day at our school and the impact it has on the wider community.

Among the most significant factors of international day are the onstage events, which feature students, teachers and parents. Several people represented their countries and used the cultural performances to display their vibrant traditions through song and dance. Many students explored the abundance of cultures at Regents by learning about and performing for other countries. Similarly, students and teachers from across the school showed off the beautiful attire of their countries in the International Fashion Show. The Football World Cup also largely contributes to the numerous activities on international day. After a number of close matches and penalty shoot-outs, the final standings were the Netherlands in first place, followed by Brazil and Colombia in second and third place.

Students across year 11 worked together to raise money by selling raffle tickets for the hampers. This project started way before international day and was organized by the community partners. Every year 11 form class spent time putting together their own hamper, with each and every student contributing one item. The hamper raffle was a fun and meaningful way to raise money, each hamper was filled with a variety of carefully selected items, and the students were excited to see their effort pay off as so many people bought tickets for a chance to win a hamper. The money raised were donated entirely to the charity organization ‘Women with a Mission’, which aims at empowering and supporting women in developing countries through education and entrepreneurship.

Along with that, our teachers and students also worked hard to raise money for the Kilimanjaro expedition. Following the successful movie night earlier in the week, they organized the “Tanzanian chill-out" in the round house. They offered students a break from the heat out on the oval with air conditioning, refreshers, and a relaxing atmosphere. The event was a huge success, with a lot of excitement and positive feedback from everyone who attended. It earned a total of 5700 THB, half of which was combined with the money earned from the movie night and given to the porters who helped students climb Mt. Kilimanjaro.

Overall, international day is an amazing way to create an enjoyable environment which allows all students, staff and parents to appreciate the diversity Regents offers.

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