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A Look into The Senior Student Leadership Team

Updated: Apr 1

What exactly do the Senior Student Leaders do?  

By: The Senior Student Leadership Team, Year 12

Head Students: Pim and Vladimir  

My name is Pim and I am proud to say that I was elected the head student for the academic years of 2023-24. My role is to represent the student leadership team and embody the values that Regents stand for, while being the bridge that connects students and teachers to make changes and communicate our ideas. I’ve always wanted this role because I want to make an impact, even if small, on making school a safe and comfortable environment for everyone and I want students to know that I am here to support and listen to them whenever they need me. My experiences within the role so far are hosting events, meetings, receiving student feedback and speeches in whole-school events. Even though it takes a lot of responsibility, it has been so amazing to gain experiences in the collaborations with ranges of ideas from different perspectives and try to enforce them to make an impact on whatever could be done within our power. I am looking forward to an amazing year of exciting and eventful days ahead, I am so honoured to have this opportunity and I will do my best to make sure that I truly deserved it.  


Hello, I’m Vlad. I enjoy being Head Student because it’s a role that forces you to go out of the box, it is a role that inspires, fosters a change and contributes to a positive atmosphere around the school. So far i have organized Anti bullying week, Loy krattong activities, and have insisted on the refurbishment in the boarding house. In general i have tried to participate in all events that were done. There are more projects and activities to come and i’m looking forward to it. 


Chairpeople: Anjali and Yoolim 

Hi, I’m Anjali! As chairperson, I've been involved in the majority of events organised by the senior student leadership team so far, whether that means organising my own event such as Diwali or helping to organise pre-established events such as Remembrance Day, Anti-bullying week and World Children's Day. Even though these events seem simple, there are a lot of different aspects that go into planning such an event. This includes brainstorming, collaboration, financing and more. One of the most enjoyable parts of being chairperson is that we have the ability to communicate quite a bit and work with students in other years through the student ambassadors. This allows us to organise future events that depend on what the student body wants so they are fun for everyone. 

Hi, I’m Yoolim. I used to be a very quiet, unnoticeable person before this position. But I signed up for this position as I actually wanted to stand up for people and help students in this school.My name is Yoolim in 12.3 and I'm the chairperson of the Regents senior team. My job as a chairperson is to basically connect the student body to our leadership team and the teachers, organizing events for students that have been requested to run. I enjoy my current position as it allows me to listen to every single individual’s request even if I am not available to make everything come true. Listening to younger student’s concerns and feedback makes me feel like I have a huge responsibility to help this school become a better and safer place for the students. Until now, I have run and helped some events such as the Halloween Disco, Diwali, Student takeover day, Anti Bullying week and Loy Krathong. 


Secretaries: Jano and Alexandre  

Hi there! I’m Jano and I act as secretary for the Senior Student Leadership. This position allows me to give my input on different ideas the other student leaders have, help organise events, assist others within the Senior Student Leadership Team with meeting deadlines, and ensuring that everyone has sufficient information about upcoming events and activities so that they can pass it on to other branches of the Student Council. As secretary, I have been lucky enough to have been able to help organise events like the Halloween Disco and Diwali, which has been a great learning experience in terms of how the school system operates in terms of student-led events. I hope to continue assisting others in the Student Leadership Team as well as organising events throughout the year to get the most out of my role as secretary.  

My name is Alexandre and in this short paragraph,, I will be telling you a little bit about my job. My job as part of the student leadership team is the secretary. My job role includes taking notes during meetings and making sure everybody is aware of upcoming in-school events as well as taking part in organizing events such as the student takeover where I had the responsibility of appropriately matching students with teachers. Being a secretary, I have been able to enhance my organizational skills, which has helped in several aspects of my life such as the revision I do at home and how I am able to manage my time. My favorite part about my job is being able to listen to student and teacher responses and being able to act on these responses in order to better the school in terms of academics, safety, and fun.  


Treasurers: Akira and Madhava  

Hello there, I am Akira who is doing treasurer of student leadership in Regents. 

Treasurer is a job that counts school budget, lends a money to activities, and count it again. 

This position is not that shiny than head students and pillar leaders who has already done 

marvelous achievements already. But it is a job that is holding important gear that is needed 

for running this school. Therefore, I am proud of myself for being in this position as treasurer, 

that I could help everyone financially to do their activity that makes up their irreplaceable 

experience at Regents. 


My name is Madhava Nurmawan. When I applied for the role of treasurer, I honestly was unaware of what that entailed. Luckily, I’ve been provided a platform to ensure that whoever the next treasurers are won’t have to blindly dive into this position like I did. Something I was completely unaware of when first starting was that my partner and I would have to hand count all the money in the safe. There were a lot of coins. As a treasurer, you’ll have to count all the money raised from events and be proficient with spreadsheets. I also believe teamwork is integral to this role along with any leadership role, if you can’t collaborate then don’t run for a leadership role. 


Environmental Pillar Leaders: Buth and Neo 

Hello! I’m Buth, one of the environmental pillar leaders for the 23-24 academic year and my job is to cooperate with all the eco representatives across secondary to come up with projects that will ensure our school moves toward the right direction in order to become one of the most environmentally friendly school in Thailand. As of now, we have planned 4 projects which will take place in this academic year. Please look forward to it! 


Hello, I am Neo, and I am one of the two school environmental pillar leaders. I have had this position for a few weeks now and it has been a pleasure working with my partners and the student eco reps from each year group. We are working very hard on projects which include working with the scuba diving team on coastal conservation and supporting the already ongoing Mangrove Teens project. We hope you stay tuned for the upcoming eco events at our school! 


Leadership Pillar Leaders: Theresa and Hyunsun  

My name is Theresa and I am one of the leadership pillar leaders, I have always wanted to 

be able to take part in something that involves me in Volunteering and using my time to help 

organise events. I’ve always looked up to leaders of the world and want to do the same. This 

role helps me live this dream and I am happy to be given this opportunity, there is absolutely 

nothing but excitement. My role is to help support the other pillar leaders and the rest of the 

Senior Leadership team. whether it be attending meetings, volunteering or helping organise 

events. Everything you see from big annual events and house events are done with great 

effort from this team. Our job is to ensure everything runs as smoothly as possible. In the 

future I would like to turn the skills I learnt from this position to future endeavours and to be 

the best version of myself. 


I am one of the Leadership Pillar Leaders, who organize and support various events in school. 

Unlike many others, my position does not seem to have a specific, main job. However, being a Leadership Pillar Leader allows you to participate and jump into all sorts of experiences: at the moment, I am already helping other Pillar Leaders to manage their Community Partner 

Representatives and Eco-Representatives. Other than these, I had opportunities to help out for the Halloween Disco, Diwali and Anti-Bullying Week. During this year, I would like to continuously participate in wide variety of events or even help the younger year groups to run new projects. 


Service Pillar Leaders: Susu 

Hello everyone! I'm Susu and one of the service leaders for the 2023-2024 academic year. In my role, I collaborate closely with our community partner representees across the Secondary to develop impactful projects benefiting organizations such as Women with the Mission, Bang Jing Jang, Bann Mae Lid, and more. Together with the community partner representatives in each year group, we've planned numerous events throughout the year. Keep an eye out for these events as we work together to create positive changes in the communities around us! 

Democracy Pillar Leaders: Jaedyn

Hi there, I’m Jaedyn. For my position, I am making surveys and I collect feedback from general students and teachers of our school. I collect feedback and send it to others for improvement. I support my team by making surveys for their project. I’ll look forward to working with my leadership team and doing some work for this year. 


International Pillar Leaders: Vidula 

Hello! I am Vidula one of the international pillar leaders for this academic year 2023-2024. My role is to organize events across the school that are related to cultures and celebrations of different countries around the world including Diwali, Loy krathong, Chinese New Year and international day. My aim is to help promote the diverse culture we have here at regents and encourage the regents community to appreciate and participate with all the celebrations of different countries. 

Adventure Pillar Leaders: Nadia and Lorenzo  

Hey, I’m Nadia. As the adventure pillar leader, I have had the opportunity to partake in organizing different school activities including Diwali, the Halloween disco, Anti-bullying week etc. These opportunities have taught me a sense of internationalism, the power of working collaboratively, creativity as well as a sense of community contributing to my personal and leadership development. This leadership position has not only enhanced my communication and organizational skills but has also instilled a lifelong appreciation for adventure and new experiences. 


Hello, my name is Lorenzo Gonzales Amary i represent one of the adventurer pillar leaders. I initially applied for this job as it seemed like it would be a challenging and enjoyable job, and that is what it is. I work with Mr. mackenna and the other leadership students to organize events such as halloween discos, diwali and other events. I am looking forward to working further with Mr. Mackenna to organize round square trips and future out door education weeks to come. 


Performing Arts Directors: Jenny and Zhenxi  

I am one of the Performing Arts Directors of the Academic Year 2023-2024. Our role is to open or be the MC of events related to the performing arts. With the substantial fervor I have towards Performing Arts, I am more than willing to lead any events and take ideas related to performing arts to be held later in the year. Along with the Senior Leadership Team, we have hosted the Halloween Disco, and lunchtime activities for the Anti Bullying Week. There are more upcoming exciting events so please look forward to them! 


My name is Zhenxi (Maki), I am the Performing Arts Director for the academic year 2023-2024. Performing arts has always been an important part of my life as I feel empowered by it. I aspire to bring joy to people in the form of performing arts and create opportunities for the talent students in our school to express themselves through performances. So far, I have participated in several events making efforts to support the team with the performing arts aspects. The events I have been involved in are: Halloween Disco, Diwali and Anti-bullying Week. There are lots and lots of exciting events coming up that you should look forward to! 


Sports Directors: Joy and May  

My name is Hwanhui Jo, and I am a sports director in the leadership team. In my position, I work with the other sports director, the PE staff, and the students of Regents in order to make sports as accessible and enjoyable as possible for all students. I applied to be a sports director because sports have always been a big part of my life, as it is one of my greatest passions. The part I like the most about my role is that with my position, I am able to plan and execute exciting sports events for not only students, but also teachers and even parents. I enjoy this as this provides entertainment and brings people of all backgrounds and ages together as a large, united community, which is a beauty that none other than sports can offer to the world. 


EDI Representatives: Patchrada and Endoo  

Hello, I’m Patchrada, one of the EDI representatives for the academic year 2023 - 2024 and my main role is to be in charge of events related to building equality, diversity, and inclusivity to make sure that our school community represent this as much as possible. Right now I have joined ‘culture club’ which also mainly support this role for our school and we are working on many projects which some would happen this year to raise awareness and support many significant values to make sure that as many of them are not overlooked. 


Hello! I am Endoo, one of the EDI representatives for this academic year of 2023-2024. My role is to promote equality, diversity and inclusion within the school especially appreciating the diverse culture we have from being an international school. I have joined culture club, a club consisting of a group of students who are passionate and willing to promote the three concepts of EDI. In culture club this year, we are planning two main projects that will be launching as soon as the preparations are ready. Please keep updated about our two projects and look forward to it! 

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