The history of the development of the workplace and how it will change in the future.
By Ren 8.1
When you start going into the world of financing and job-surfing, you’ll be able to browse the catalog of an estimated 5 billion jobs in the world with the number either dropping or rising. There have always been disappearing, re-appearing, re-engineered, new, or old jobs that re-surface or become lost and forgotten. So what jobs are still standing to this day, and what jobs will go down in history?
In the year 1910, technology had not been as advanced then and people needed someone to operate an elevator for them as automated elevators had not been common or had not gained the trust of the public. So, in the turn of events, the job position of “Elevator Operator” was created. An Elevator Operator was a person who operated an elevator/lift. They would press buttons or hold doors. Using phrases “Step up, Step down, Closing doors, etc.” Elevators had to be manually controlled around the 1900s but by the 1950s to the 1960s, elevators became automated and no longer needed these operators. The public was not very fond of them even though they were the “new” standard. Most people during that time had avoided these elevators, doubting them. But now here we are in the future where most buildings have advanced technological elevators that do not need a manual elevator operator.
The automated elevators made the job of the old "Elevator Operator” which had only included, the saying of words, and the opening of doors, long gone. The old job has been replaced by the new “Elevator Operator” job. It not only tests buttons but fixes/runs errors and sees the inner workings and all other fancy technical aspects of it. These job changes can provide new openings, new interests, and new outcomes.
To further look at job evolution over the years, let us take the online video platform “YouTube” which was released in 2005. Many people jumped at the platform and started creating all types of channels, producing a vessel of inspiration for young kids, teens, adults, etc. When you show a kid something, they get influenced by what they see and hear. Taking this idea, Lego cast a poll surveying 3,000 school-leveled kids from the U.S, the U.K, and China and what job they would like to take. The list would consist of astronauts, police, firefighters, etc. and the job "Youtuber" became an option. This poll indicated that the kids who were surveyed are much more likely to choose the option of wanting to become a Youtuber. Only 11% of the kids picked the option of being an Astronaut, and surprisingly almost a third said they wanted to become a “Youtuber". This shows that with enough influence, career paths can change. If generations have different ideals over the years, and different career choices there will definitively be a spark of new choices and ideas that will be in the future.
In an article written by Leo Salemi on LinkedIn, it was stated that 85 % of the jobs that will exist in 2030 have not been invented yet. During the 15 years stated in the article, job interests have differed according to the evolving standard of needs and desires. These days we are starting to get high-tech items that help us in our everyday lives, for example, the phone, the iPad, and automated vacuum cleaners. These technological advances we experience now may differ from the outcome of the catalog of jobs in the future.
Let's take a relevant problem that the world is facing every day like, Global warming. We would eventually need Climate change Scientists who specifically excel in the topic to advance our understanding of the problem. Numerous scientists are researching and discovering innovative ideas to help counter the ongoing Global Warming situation. But only a majority pursue the field of climate change. Soon, the earth will need all the help, brains, and people it can get, to overcome the challenging obstacles of climate change, greenhouse gases, and many more uprising problems that may soon arise. Humanity will need a deeper understanding of the problem, therefore, unlocking a new area of specialty; hence, Climate Change Scientists.
Society will keep evolving, mentally, physically, and technologically. In the end, it all leads to new standards and new needs, and these times call for new measures. Therefore, jobs have and will only continue to evolve over the years. Society will continue to advance and so will its jobs.