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The Epidemic of Sports

Are the injuries sustained by players worth it?
By: Jack 11.3

Concussions in sports have always and will always be involved in the physicality of it, which is brought on by the warfare like mentality of players fueled by a competitive nature and pride which can lead to a now or never decision affecting their life after sport.

CTE or Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy is a brain condition caused by continuous blows to the head. This condition is associated with sports like rugby (union or league), Gridiron, boxing, Ice Hockey, and countless others involving heavy contact. The condition is likened to Alzheimer's disease although the symptoms can vary depending on the individual. Symptoms that are accompanied by CTE are usually short-term memory loss, frequent mood swings, confusion and disorientation and finding it hard to make a decision. These are, however, mostly short-term problems which later develop into slurred speech, significant memory loss, Parkinsonism and a difficult to eat. These problems are life changing and can seriously affect these athletes post their professional career. According to the NHS’ website: “Many people who are concussed do not go on to develop CTE, but evidence suggests a pattern of repeated minor head injuries increases the risk.” The cases of CTE have been found in many NFL athletes, most famously in players such as Junior Seau and Aaron Hernandez who both took their own lives as this disease slowly fights away at its possessor and eventually leaves them in a state which makes it hard to live at all. In the case of Aaron Hernandez who was found guilty of two counts of murder had been brain scanned following his death and it was revealed that his case was the most severe ever seen according to Dr. Ann Mckee, head of the CTE center in Boston, his condition was a stage 3 or 4 usually seen in people around the age of 67 or above. This shows the severity of Aaron’s continual head knocks.

Sports in general has reacted well, the advancements made in the last ten years have been crucial to eventually and hopefully save the lives of former athletes and players who after years of bringing entertainment to people’s television screens and putting smiles on their faces they too deserve their own life away from sports and a chance to live that. This condition has led some former athletes down unthinkable paths such as Aaron Hernandez’ case and Phillip Adams and whilst these crimes committed cannot solely be blamed on CTE, it is clear they have a grave underlying role in these acts. These two athletes are rare cases, however even these rare cases of severe CTE and brain damage need to be treated and handled extremely carefully as these cases can lead to not only a lifetime of hurt for these athletes but also the people around them.

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