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Selfies: Do Selfies Boost Self-confidence?

Writer's picture: Si EunSi Eun

Updated: Nov 4, 2024

How does the popularity increase of selfies affect people? 

By: Si Eun, Year 10 


Social media has been an enormous part of our lives since the early 2000s. It has become so significant to us that today; we can’t imagine a world without social media. As the popularity of social media rose, there was another factor that started to be on trend: selfies. Selfies, the act of taking photos of oneself, had an enormous impact on individuals, affecting both self-confidence and self-centeredness. On one hand, it is revealed that taking and sharing selfies on the internet can boost self-confidence by allowing individuals to share their appearance and aspects. However, on the other hand, it is revealed taking and posting selfies can sometimes lead to self-centeredness and egotistical behaviors. The effects of selfies have been a popular debate topic for some time, commonly questioned by many individuals. What do you think? Do you think selfies boost self-confidence or self-centeredness? 


Research shows that just by taking a photograph of oneself, one’s self-confidence and pride can increase. Additionally, posting selfies on social media encourages positive feedback from others, boosting self-confidence. Although some might believe that posting selfies on social media and getting feedback are because of the belief that the only people to judge one’s looks are themselves and that beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder, selfies can act as a form of expressing and celebrating one’s identity. However, taking too many selfies can sometimes lead to self-centeredness and arrogance. When individuals become compulsively addicted to capturing the perfect image of themselves and seeking validation from others, it can reinforce narcissistic tendencies and make individuals conceited, taking favors for granted. Selfies can limit one’s self-esteem development including personal growth and accomplishments. Selfies may lead individuals to rely heavily on the other’s view, becoming too attached to social approval and external validation, making people determine their self-worth by the social view. 


Individuals should be aware of their reasons for taking selfies and the influence it may have on their self-perception. The trick is striking a balance between utilizing selfies as a means of self-expression and refraining from using them as your only source of approval. Selfies might have a major impact on self-centeredness, but these impacts can be reduced by developing self-awareness, building self-esteem through internal attributes and accomplishments, and taking a rest from social media sometimes for their well-being. Individuals should gain the ability to abstain from sharing too many selfies and instead, create balance for a healthier mindset for a healthier life. 


Overall, the impact of selfies on self-confidence and self-centeredness varies from person to person, depending on personal aspects such as individual personality traits, values, and attitudes towards social media. Although I believe it isn’t right to assume other’s intentions of sharing selfies, I think individuals should reflect and consider the role of selfies in their lives. After all, selfies can have different impacts on different people; they can boost an individual’s self-confidence but maximize tendencies towards self-centered behavior as well. Even though everyone has a right to post selfies, enduring consequences, a balance must be made between self-expression and self-validation for health. 

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